A script file can be written to compile source code for simulation. 
Below is the format of a script file that compiles four Verilog source code files.         

vlog file1.vl
echo "Press Enter to continue."
read answer
vlog file2.vl
echo "Press Enter to continue."
read answer
vlog file3.vl
echo "Press Enter to continue."
read answer
vlog file4.vl

To run your script file,

  1. The file is placed in the directory in which the simulator is run. 

  2. The
    chmod u+x filename
    command is typed at the unix prompt.

  3. The
    prep mentor
    command is typed at the unix prompt.

  4. The
    vlib work
    command is typed at the unix prompt.

  5. The file is executed by typing the name of the file at the unix prompt.