The Radix Point

John Bryan

Verilog tutorial
VHDL tutorial
SHA3 IV-KAT tables
FFT IV-KAT tables
Twofish IV-KAT tables
Python Type 1 LP Parks-McClellan
C and Python FHT
Python Radix-4 DIT/DIF FFT
Python Reduced Twiddle table FFT
Python Real transform
Python DIF FFT
Fortran DIF FFT
Octave DIT FFT
C and Python Bit Reversal Algorithm Performance Comparison
Perl Generation of Wallace multiplier Verilog
Icarus/Verilator Benchmark using Perl
RTL-to-Layout HC adder
Closest point on ellipse to given point implementation in Octave
Simpson Rule and Gaussian Quadrature implementation in Octave
Numerical Differentiation in Python
RK4 Octave implementation
Newton-Raphson Division Octave Implementation
Square-root using Newton's Method Octave Implementation
Implementation of Chebyshev Sine Approximation in Octave
Octave Remez Implementation
Brent Method Implementation in Octave, Julia, and Mathematica
Matlab Twofish MDS/RS
Advanced Encryption Standard in C
C++ heapsort
Java heapsort
Perl heapsort
Bash heapsort
Javascript heapsort
C++ gray code counter