A few common ModelSim questions:
In ModelSim,
To view the signals window, from the ModelSim Main window menu, choose View > Signals.
To view the wave window, from the ModelSim Main window menu, choose View > Wave.
From the signals window menu, choose Add > Wave > Signals in Region.
To run the simulation to the end, enter
run -all
at the ModelSim prompt in the
ModelSim Main window.
To restart the run, from the ModelSim Main window menu, choose Run >
Restart..., and when the Restart window appears, select the Restart
To delete the signals presently listed in the wave window, from the wave menu choose
Edit > Select All. Then from the wave menu choose Edit > Cut.
To view the structure window, from the ModelSim Main window menu, choose View > Structure.
In the structure window, select uut:h4ba. The signals in the
h4ba environment will be displayed in the signals window.
From the signals window menu, choose View > Wave > Signals in Region.
To run the simulation for 200 ns, enter
run 200
at the ModelSim prompt in the
ModelSim Main window.
To quit ModelSim, from the ModelSim Main window menu, choose File > Quit
Note:If you ever have a simulation that does not halt, a good way
to stop it is to select the
the Break icon in the ModelSim Main window.
You may need to use this if you ever choose Run > Run - All
from the ModelSim vsim
menu or the run - all icon in the ModelSim Main window. If you use
either of these
and the simulation time increases to a large value before you select the
Break icon or you reach the stop statement in your testbench, you
should type the command ls -l vsim.wlf in a xterm window in
the directory in
which you are running the simulator to check the memory usage of the
file vsim.wlf.
The file vsim.wlf is a file generated by vsim during the simulation, if
you have the wave window up, to log data displayed in the wave
window. The file size
can reach your alloted memory usage quota if you use run - all and don't
use the Break icon
soon enough. To view your memory usage and quota, type
quota -v in a xterm window. To remove the vsim.wlf file, use
the rm vsim.wlf command in a xterm window.
The vsim.wlf file is overwritten each time you run a simulation, so as
long as you don't use
run - all or set the run simulation time to an unnecessarily large
number, you should not have
to worry about it.
You may want to occasionally print
out the simulation results that appear in the wave window. You can
use the zoom feature from the wave menu to obtain the proper
zoom. To print the wave, from the wave menu, select File >
Print Postscript... When the Write Postscript window opens, select
File name:
and type in a name for the file name, i.e., wave1.ps, and select
Only the portion of the wave that is presently viewable will be printed
out. If the waveform is long, you will have to use more than one
page. To set the laser printer destination, in a xterm window,
use the command, setenv PRINTER printername, where printername is the
name of the printer that you want to print to . To view and print
out a postscript file, you can use ghostview by typing the command,
ghostview wave1.ps in a xterm window, where wave1.ps is the name of
your postscript file. To print out the postscript file in
ghostview, choose File > Print..., type the printer name in the popup
window and select ok.
Note: Simulation can also be performed on the output of the
synthesis tool. This is called gate-level simulation as opposed to
RTL simulation performed in this tutorial. Gate-level simulation
is more accurate, but takes longer than RTL simulation.
Gate-level simulation will not be performed in this tutorial.
Your working directory should
be ~/tutorial.
Be sure you have copied full.adder.vl
and h4ba.vl
Copy the synthesis script file,
h4ba.script to
the directory that you are working in.
Read the contents of the synthesis script file, which contains commands
and accompanying commented information. Synopsys Design Compiler
can be run in two different modes: dcsh and Tcl (Tool Command
Language). We will use Tcl mode. Tcl is a language widely
used in EDA (electronic design automation) tools including ModelSim.
At the unix shell prompt, type,
At the unix shell prompt, type,
prep synopsys
At the unix shell prompt, type,
nice dc_shell-t
To run the synthesis script, at the dc_shell-t prompt, type,
source h4ba.script
Some files, as commented in the script file, will be generated,
including area and timing reports for the hierarchical four-bit adder,
which are contained in the files,
h4ba.area.rpt and h4ba.timing.rpt.
Some Design Compiler commands:
analyze: This command is used to read in Verilog source
files. Syntax errors will be reported when executed. This
command should be used on all modules that comprise your top-level
module. Some unsynthesizable Verilog constructs such as the
initial statement, if they are used in a module, will generate a warning
message at the output of this command.
elaborate: This command is used with the name of your
module. Verilog code that cannot be translated to generic hardware
will be reported when executed.
Near the end of the report generated from the elaborate command, you can
check what signals in your design have been synthesized as flip
flops. If a signal has been synthesized as flip flips you should
verify that you used the nonblocking assignment operator, <=, to
to that signal. If a signal that has been assigned to is not
as flip flops, then you should use the blocking assignment operator, =,
assign to it. Signals assigned to with the nonblocking operator
scheduled to change at the end of the time unit. Signals assigned
to with
the blocking operator change instantaneously. Signals assigned to
in an a
lways block that has the keyword posedge in the sensitivity list are
as flip flops unless optimized out by Synopsys. Any latches
(level-sensitive memory elements) will be reported. There should
be no latches. A source of unwanted latches is if a signal that is
assigned to in one branch of an if or case statement in an unclocked
always block is not assigned to in every branch of the if or case
statement. Also a signal that is assigned to in an if statement
without as else branch in an unclocked always block may be a source of
unwanted latches. Latches can make obtaining an accurate timing
report more difficult.
- report_timing -loops:
This command reports combinational timing loops, which are closed loop feedback
paths in your design that don't have a register in them. These should be
avoided. They can make obtaining an accurate timing report more difficult
and could be a source of a potential oscillation condition.
- create_clock: This command is used to set the clock period constraint Design Compiler should target.
- compile: This command is used to optimize and map the
design to a standard cell library. This command consumes the most
cpu time. Errors generated by this command are less frequent than
those generated by the analyze and elaborate commands. Errors
include not having standard cells that some of the generic hardware can
be mapped to.
- report_area: This command generates an area
report where the area in units of equivalent two-input nand gates is
denoted by the cell area listing.
- report_timing: This command generates a timing
report with the clock period in nanoseconds denoted by the sum of the
absolute value of the data arrival time in the path column and the
absolute value of the library setup time in the Incr column.
- report_reference: This command generates a report listing the number of each standard cell used in the design.
highlight_path -critical_path
plot -output filename.ps
Using these three commands in series, generates a postscript schematic file, filename.ps, with the critical path highlighted.
In Design Compiler,
To get help about a dc_shell-t command, enter the command, man command_name.
i.e., man analyze.
To get help about an error message, enter the command, man error_message_id.,
i.e. man ELAB-366.
To obtain further information on an error encountered in an attempted synthesis run,
you can use the command,
The history command lists the commands used in a dc_shell-t session.
The !! reruns the previous command. !n reruns the command numbered n
from the history list.
The exec command can be used to execute a unix shell command in dc_shell-t.
The syntax is,
exec unix_shell_command, i.e., exec page filename. The vi command
does not work in combination with the exec command.
The exit command can be used to quit dc_shell-t.
Processes in Verilog are modeled with
the always block.
In hardware description languages, processes are blocks of statements.
Processes are of two types: unclocked and clocked. An unclocked
process models combinational logic; a clocked process models synchronous
logic. A process is executed concurrently with respect to other
processes and continuous signal assignment statements.
Processes offer a variety of powerful statements and constructs
that make them very suitable for high level behavioral descriptions.
The Verilog description
of a 4-bit adder using a process with a sensitivity list is
The sensitivity list is to the right of always@.
For an unclocked always block (no clock in the sensitivity list),
primary input signals to the unclocked always block should be placed in
the sensitivity list.
Primary input signals are signals that are read in the always block
that are generated outside of the always block.
Since the signals, addend_one, addend_two, and carry_in are primary
inputs to this unclocked always block, they are included in the
sensitivity list.
Whenever one of the signals in the sensitivity list changes value, the
always block will be executed.
The assignment statements in the unclocked process use the blocking
assignment operator, =.
Signals written to with the blocking assignment operator are updated
Combinational logic (unclocked always block (no clock in the
sensitivity list)) should be described using the blocking assignment
operator. In an unclocked always block, statements are executed
The other type of Verilog assignment operator is the non-blocking
assignment operator, <=. When a signal is written to with the
non-blocking assignment operator, it is scheduled to be assigned the new
value at the end of the current time unit. Sequential logic
(clocked always block (clock in the sensitivity list)) should be
described using the nonblocking assignment operator. In a clocked
process using only the nonblocking assignment operator, all assignments
are executed concurrently and the order does not matter. In a
clocked process, only the clock and reset (if the reset is asynchronous)
should be included in the sensitivity list.
In the Verilog
module, sum, carry_out, and carry are declared to be of type reg
because they are assigned to in the always block. No registers
will be synthesized as no edge is specified in the event specification
list (sensitivity list).
An integer type is used as the for loop index. The integer type is
a 32-bit signed number. Use of the integer type should be
reserved for testbenches and for use as
a for loop index.
The for loop construct should only be used for iteration over space
such as to assign to the
bits as in this example code. The for loop construct should not
be used to try to iterate over time. It's possible for the
synthesis tool to not flag use of a for loop to iterate over time as an
error; the synthesis tool may just hang in the compile operation.
Hence, it's up to the designer to avoid this pitfall. Use of a
loop state as one of your states in a state machine that increments a
counter each clock cycle is a preferable method to iterate over
time. An if statement can be used in the state to synthesize a
comparator to check if the count equals the loop upper limit. Try
to always think what hardware will result in synthesis from your code.
Moore state machine: moore.vl
. The value of output Z depends on the
value of CURRENT_STATE. The fsm is composed of
two always blocks. One unclocked always block is used to hold the
combinational elements
and one clocked always block is used to hold the synchronous
The always block to hold the combinational elements uses a sensitivity
list which is comprised of
signals read in the always block, X and CURRENT_STATE.
Signals assigned to in an unclocked always block are synthesized as
wires if no memory is inferred
or as latches if memory is inferred. In this unclocked always
block, Z and NEXT_STATE are synthesized
as wires.
The clocked always block
to hold the sequential elements uses the keyword posedge to signify the
rising edge and using it in the second always block enables synthesis
of CURRENT_STATE as the state register.
When the value of the signal CLK changes from 0 to 1, CURRENT_STATE is
scheduled to be assigned the value of NEXT_STATE.
Signals assigned to in a clocked always block enables synthesis as
registers. CURRENT_STATE is synthesized as the
state register of the state machine.
This state machine uses state machine design style 1
from the list below.
Some possible state machine design styles:
One unclocked always block and one clocked always block.
Two always blocks and a signal assignment statement.
One unclocked always block to assign next state.
One clocked always block to update state register.
One signal assignment statement to assign output.
Two clocked always blocks and one unclocked always block.
One clocked always block to update state register.
One unclocked always block to assign next state.
One clocked always block to register output.
One clocked always block.
Two unclocked always blocks and one clocked always block.
One unclocked always block to assign output.
One unclocked always block to assign next state.
One clocked always block to update state register.
Mealy state machine:
mealy.vl. The output value Z depends on both the value of CURRENT_STATE and the value of the input X.
A sample testbench for the moore module is,
Suppose that you want to view on the wave timing diagram the six signals
from the moore state machine: RESET_N, X, CLK, Z, NEXT_STATE,
One method to do this is to use a .do macro file. Another method is to use the window menus.
To use a .do macro file for the moore state machine, the steps are:
Copy the .do file,
moore.do, to the directory that you are running ModelSim.
Load the tb_moore module into Modelsim using the vsim tb_moore command.
In the ModelSim main window, type the command,
do moore.do
To use the window menus for the moore state machine, the steps are:
From the ModelSim Main window menu, choose View Structure.
From the ModelSim Main window menu, choose View Signals.
From the ModelSim Main window menu, choose View Wave.
In the Structure window, select uut: moore.
The five signals of interest will be displayed in the Signals window.
From the Signals window menu, choose Add > Wave > Signals In Region.
The five signals of interest will be displayed in the wave timing diagram.
A Synopsys Design Compiler synthesis script file for the moore state machine is
A four 32-bit register file example is reg4.vl.
To read a register, the nr_w bit is set to 0; to write to a register,
the nr_w bit is set to 1. The register to be read from or written
to is determined by a 2-bit address.
The register file module in
reg4.vl uses four instantiations of the 32-bit register module in the
Verilog source,
- One always block.
- Two always blocks.
- Some designers prefer to keep sequential elements in a
separate always block from the combinational elements.
An example is the module in
frtl2.vl. The default case in the
combinational always block is needed to avoid latches being
synthesized for the signals assigned to in the always block.
This style is more difficult than the frtl1 style in
trying to avoid combinational loops and unwanted latches.
testbench: tb.frtl2.vl.
synthesis script: frtl2.script.
- Three always blocks.
- One clocked always block for state register.
- One unclocked always block for fsm combinational logic.
- One clocked always block for non-fsm registers and combinational logic.
- module: frtl3.vl.
testbench: tb.frtl3.vl.
synthesis script: frtl3.script.
- Four always blocks.
- One clocked always block for state register.
- One unclocked always block for fsm combinational logic.
- One clocked always block for non-fsm registers.
- One unclocked always block for non-fsm combinational logic.
- module: frtl4.vl.
testbench: tb.frtl4.vl.
synthesis script: frtl4.script.
The four examples in this section synthesize to designs with equal functionality, area, and clock period.