Han-Carlson Adder Layout Generation using Open-Source RTL-to-Layout Flow

John Bryan

   A 16-bit Han-Carlson adder layout is generated using a open-source RTL-to-Layout standard cell flow in Linux.

  1. C code is written to produce the 16-bit Han-Carlson (HC) Verilog code. The Verilog code is compiled and simulated in Icarus.

  2. The Qflow tutorial, from the Qflow site, is followed. Yosys synthesis, Vesta static timing analyzer, TimberWolf placement, Qrouter detailed routing. A HC DEF file is produced. The HC DEF file, OSU035 standard cell library LEF file, and the OSU035 standard cell library GDSII file are read into the Magic layout tool.

  3. Passes DRC in Magic.

  4. Passes LVS in Netgen. Compares post-Yosys synthesis spice netlist and post-Magic layout extraction spice netlist.

  5. Extracted circuit passes Irsim simulation.